Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world that commonly known as the "saffron crocus". Saffron is extremely subtle and fragrant.

In foods, saffron is used as a spice, yellow food coloring, and as a flavoring agent.

here are the benefits of saffron: Antioxidant

2.good for mood


4.reduce PMS symptoms

5.use for weight loss

6.good for heart

7.good for  Alzheimer

Some people apply saffron directly to the scalp for baldness.

How should I use it?
Grind 2 tsp. saffron threads, along with a sugar cube or a pinch of coarse salt, to a powder with a mortar and pestle or a spice mill to draw out the most flavor and color. Then add ¼ cup warm water and let cool.

Where do I buy it?

you can buy the best persian saffron from amazon or grocery stores.
